Monday, June 9, 2008

Scott S

hey Scottie!

How’s London town???

India is, in three words: beautiful (wet) chaos.

It’s monsoon season now, which means it rains everyday and you have to time you activities around the rains because if not, roads and marketplaces get flooded and you end up walking through lakes of suspiciously brown water and getting drenched. I love the rain and have been having a lot of fun in it—but it definitely is an adjustment. You’d love the apartment we’re staying in – it’s beautifully furnished (we have a mahogany-esque king size bed with a deep blue green comforter and a full sliding glass door and patio.

There are what seems like a troop of security guards around our building, and they take extra care of us because we’re a group of six foreign girls and are friends with the guy who built the whole place. They must think we’re crazy though, because they see us coming and leaving all the time – either dashing out to play in the rain and start pick up soccer games, or strutting out in our monsoon shoes (high heels to avoid the puddles) and clubbing clothes, or lugging dirty plastic barrels (our prototype water filters) into the building lobby and washing them in the rain. There was a water leak in my bedroom, and I went down to talk to them about it. But since my hindi is extremely limited, the only thing I could think of to say was “Panni hein” which means “There is water”. Given that it was pouring at the time, my comment wasn’t exactly breaking news. Lol.

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