Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Letter to Christina

Here’re some of the amusing things that’ve happened:

My friend got all dressed up and went out to meet some of her cousins – freshly showered and with diamond earrings. She set off to catch the train, and within ten minutes of her leaving, we heard the rains start. Not just any little shower – but the start of monsoon season! In a few minutes we heard our doorbell ring – and opened it to find our friend dripping wet and laughing. “The doorman offered up this wise-sounding aphorism: “She went out, she got wet, she came back”.

Another night, we found a HUGE cockroach in our shower. Being the brave one that I am (lol – NOT) I decided I’d try to throw it outside rather than killing it, and so grabbed a dustpan and broom… only to jump around madly in the shower trying to get the thing to actually go into my dustpan (did you know cockroaches can hop?!) finally, I got it but then totally forgot to keep it pressed down with the broom, so it was running wildly all over the pan and almost up to my arm --- I was shrieking and hopping and rushing out the door and in panic just chucked the whole apparatus out – only to have it all crash down our flight of stairs, hitting each one along the way (at 2 am in our quiet little apartment building).

More to come…

1 comment:

MM said...

I'm sorry, last comment but:

AAAH RAIN!! rain rain, real rain. isn't it AMAZING? and if you find a chance to be in a village somewhere when it starts to rain like that, oh man, it's probably one of the most amazing sight and sound you can ever experience. oh rain. rain rain. rain.

cockroaches are scary. and hard to catch. :( and icky. lizards on the bathroom windows scare me too. they just sit there and watch you pee. you expect them to jump on you but you can't tell when because the window is behind you and man, you just can't pee any faster. haha

i'm glad you're feeling better! kaju barfis are sooo good (the diamond marzipan sweets you were eating). if you find a roadside vendor, and if you think it's okay for you to have some, sometimes they sell spiced mangoes. they're like not too ripe mangoes and they put chilli powder and salt on them and they're SO delicious.
also, never ever drink sugar cane juice because apparently a lot more than bamboo shoots go in the grinder. think critters. lots of protein though. :D

okay i'm done now. Have a great trip from Delhi to Agra to see the Taj! I hear its an amazing place. oh oh and if you're in delhi, Dharamsala is only a night bus trip away!! I hope that the Dalai Lama will be there although I feel like he'll be traveling the world right now with whats going on everywhere. But it'd be SO COOL. :D